Recette: Savoureux Patatas bravas

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Patatas bravas. Patatas bravas is the ultimate Spanish comfort food. Served tapas-style, the crispy potatoes and smoky sauce are difficult to resist. Add a drizzle of garlic aioli for a richer flavor. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Patatas Bravas are tasty fried potato cubes served with a smoky, spicy dipping sauce.

Patatas bravas Add the garlic, chopped tomatoes, tomato purée, sweet paprika, chilli powder, sugar and a pinch of salt, then bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. Served with spicy salsa brava and garlicky allioli, crispy hot patatas bravas are traditionally served in tapas bars throughout Spain The salsa brava is made with pimentón, the smoked Spanish paprika sold as picante (hot) and dulce (sweet) Some cooks include a lot of chopped tomato, but my friends in Madrid tell me they prefer this version, which looks a bit like rusty gravy Patatas bravas are one of Spain's most popular tapas. They're the go-to choice for an appetizer or a snack to share along with a round of cañas. Vous pouvez faire Patatas bravas using 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Quelques ingrédients à faire Patatas bravas Jusqu'à ce que

  1. Préparer 2 of grandes pommes de terre.
  2. Fournir of Huile.
  3. Fournir of Sel.
  4. Préparer of == Pour la sauce bravas ==.
  5. Préparer 1/4 of d'oignon.
  6. Fournir 2 gousses of d'ail.
  7. Préparer 1 of piment de cayenne.
  8. Fournir 1/2 cuillère à café of paprika.
  9. Fournir 1/2 tasse of tomates écrasées ou concassées.
  10. Fournir 3 cuillères à soupe of mayonnaise.
  11. Fournir of Vinaigre.
  12. Fournir of Sel.
  13. Préparer of Poivre.
  14. Préparer of Sucre.
  15. Fournir of Eau.

The reason is simple: there's no greater crowdpleaser than a plate of deep-fried potatoes topped with a delicious sauce, especially when alcohol is involved. Drain in a colander and leave to steam dry until cool. Meanwhile, put a pan on a lowheat and start your bravas sauce. Add a lug of olive oil and, once hot, add the.

Voici comment faire Patatas bravas Étape par étape

  1. Faites cuire vos pommes de terre dans de l'eau bouillante une vingtaine de minutes. Les éplucher et les couper en morceaux de 2cm environ..
  2. Mettre de l'huile dans une poêle et faites revenir une quinzaine de minutes vos pommes de terre. Arroser de sauce..
  3. Pour la sauce : Faire revenir l'oignon, l'ail et le piment dans de l'huile. Lorsque tout est doré rajouter le paprika. Mélanger à feu doux pendant 5 minutes..
  4. Puis rajouter les tomates, le vinaigre, le sucre et le sel. Rajouter de l'eau et de la mayonnaise (texture souhaitée comme celle de la mayonnaise, rajouter de la farine si besoin)..

Either way, I don't remember ever trying patatas bravas until they became popular in the United States in the last few years. There are several hot Portland restaurants that serve versions of patatas bravas and they are always delicious. Patatas Bravas are crispy, golden potatoes topped with a bold, spicy red sauce and a creamy garlic aioli. Patatas bravas (Spanish: [paˈtatas ˈbɾaβas]), also called patatas a la brava or papas bravas, is a dish native to Spain, often served as a tapa in bars. It typically consists of white potatoes that have been cut into irregular cubes of about two centimetres, then fried in oil and served warm with a spicy sauce.